
films, texts, drawings, sketchnotes flatform>>

creative direction, concept, editing giuliana prucca
graphic design, art direction vito raimondi

Read the press kit for more insights>>

size 24 x 33 cm
soft-bound without cover
pages 128 / 8 colour signatures shifting
typeface input sans
papers fedrigoni arena extra white smooth 140 gsm
dust-jacket pvc 150 micron
english / french / italian
october 2022

4 different versions

30 special edition copies w/ an original drawing by the artist on the dust jacket

To purchase the book>>

SNATURAMENTI is the result of an elaborate conception and design process born of the need to put on paper the impressive video work of the artist collective Flatform. With the guidance of keywords such as landscape, compositing, in-between, collateral, transition, all born from the careful analysis of their work (see some examples on their website flatform.it>> to get an idea) and the editorial intent, it was decided to deconstruct some of their films and show them on a different medium, mediated by the ‘transversal’ gaze of curator Giuliana Prucca and my interpretative action as a designer. Obviously it was important to maintain a respect for the source artwork, and Flatform followed this process with interest and enthusiasm: their feedback has always been an indispensable push to pursue such challenging work. The printing and packaging of the book required extra attention to allow us to obtain 4 different versions of the same book, which therefore have the same content but in a different order, thus achieving the aim of conveying the message of “without beginning and without end” so present in the collective’s work.

Huge gratitude for the support received from Roberto and Annamaria, for the trust they placed in us and for the great passion and professionalism shown in following this creative process.

© louise crawford & stéphan guéneau for the book’s photos